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Please endorse CMAG’s support for the designation of Corbett Meadow as a Local Green Space, Area of High Historic Landscape Value and Site of Importance for Nature Conservation by a simple positive message together with your name & postcode to authenticate your response.


The latest version of the Dudley Local Plan was published 18 October 2024 for comment by 29 November 2024. Further detail can be found on the Council’s website here     (or click on the link above to see CMAG representation) 


Happily the Plan continues to designate Corbett Meadow as a Local Green Space, Area of High Historic Landscape Value and Site of Interest for Nature Conservation

HOWEVER :   We need to maintain the high profile of the Meadow in decision making when the Plan is subject to Examination by a Government Planning Inspector, especially if the landowners, the Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS Trust, maintains its objections to the LGS, AHHLV & SINC designations which would protect the Meadow.


The full text of CMAG’s draft representations on the Plan can be found here but it is important that we can be seen to represent the views of the wider community. Therefore we ask that you endorse our views not necessarily by submitting a detailed response of your own but simply by endorsing our views on the Save the Corbett Meadow Facebook group page.


You can do this by Commenting with a brief positive message such as “I agree with CMAG’s representations on the Dudley Local Plan” or just with a “Thumbs Up” together with your name & postcode to authenticate your response. 


By adding your voice to ours, our representations will take on a much greater weight to CMAG's submission and also ease the administration of the Plan going forward. 

Thank You 

Save the Corbett Meadow - When it's Gone, it's Gone !


The Corbett Meadow was originally gifted to the people of Stourbridge in 1893 by the businessman and philanthropist, “Salt King” John Corbett, for the building of a local hospital to be built in (and around) an 18th century mansion called “The Hill”. This Georgian building and other hospital buildings were demolished when the Hospital Trust sold the land it was on for housing, which was then built on the site and part of the grounds, in 2010. ( See attached " The Last Meadow" by Robert Bevan Jones and Helen Cook).

Where is Corbett Meadow

The Corbett Meadow sits between Vicarage Road , Amblecote, the main Stourbridge to Wolverhampton Road and Collis Street at the heart of Amblecote, Stourbridge.  It is also adjacent to Colebourne Brook , the allotments , and the local primary school forming part of the land upon which the Corbett Hospital now sits. ( See attached map) 

The Future 

The land was recently declared surplus to requirements by the local NHS Trust . A range of stakeholders including the local community represented by the Corbett Meadows Action group, the Amblecote Allotments Society , Stourbridge Community Development Trust, councillors and local health professionals are opposing development of the land for housing whilst proposing that a social prescribing green surgery approach to the retention of the land  would not only be in the interests of the health and wellbeing of the local community but would provide positive benefits to the local economy and the future development of the town of Stourbridge. 


Friends of Corbett Meadows has been formed by a range of stakeholders to propose the creation of an Eco Health and Wellbeing Centre for the benefit of the local community of Amblecote , the wider community of Stourbridge and the Black Country. 








The Last meadow

"Once its Gone its gone Forever"

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